Nathan's Experience with Root's Family Chiropractic

Our clinic was introduced to Dr. Tom Williams and Roots Family Chiropractic through another partner of ours, Third Coast Birth. I went to meet Dr. Tom to discuss a possible partnership, and I found a like minded individual with strong community values and a desire to move people into a greater sphere of personal health and well being.

Roots Family Chiropractic is not what most of us are familiar with when we think of a Chiropractic Adjustment.  They use a more gentle approach aimed at balancing the nervous system, so the body can smoothly regulate between the "rest and repair" versus the "fight/flight" cycles of the nervous system. The adjustments received are relatively gentle, done using what is called a "Torque Release Technique," which is a brief but strong pressure around the muscles that run along your entire spine, including the hips and sacrum. You can read more about these techniques here.

The other aspect of Dr. Toms approach that I really enjoyed was the use of Thermal Scanning, Heart Rate Variability Diagnostics, and Surface EMG (which looks at how the muscles along the spine are functioning).  These three tests are done with your initial visit and after 12 treatments. After the tests are processed, Dr. Tom gives you a clear picture of how your nervous system is functioning as a whole picture. I really enjoyed having this objecting measure that I could understand, and beyond feeling improvements externally, I could see the big changes in my body scans after 24 visits. You can read more about these scans here.

What I noticed during the course of my initial set of visits was improved more restful sleep. I was feeling more motivated (less procrastination) during the day, and I felt like my overall energy increased. With each set of 12 visits, Dr. Tom goes over your new set of scans and compares them to the initial assessment. He also provides a lot of information to help you recognize what are the major stress components in your life that are affecting your sense of well being. 

Dr. Tom and his wife Lauren both run the clinic together. It is a friendly, warm and welcoming space. Scheduling is easy, efficient and typical appointments don't take much more than 15 or 20 minutes. 

Roots Family Practice is our newest Community Partner Businesses. Five Point patients can receive an initial evaluation and consultation for just $40 (a $150 value!). This consult includes a Thermal Scan, Heart Rate Variability Test, and Postural Energy Assessment (how active muscles are along spine, where strain is happening). Please take a moment to check out their web page where they have a lot of information about what they treat and how they treat it. We hope you consider adding chiropractic adjustments to your healthcare routine.


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