Yoga for the Pelvic Floor - 4 Week Series

Yoga for the Pelvic Floor - 4 Week Series

This 4-week series aims to educate participants on the anatomy and function of the pelvic floor, common dysfunctions, and the impact of the nervous system, posture, and strength. The goal is to empower students with the knowledge to use yoga to benefit their pelvic floor.

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Sound Bath + Ear Acupuncture

Sound Bath + Ear Acupuncture

Enjoy a meditative sound bath led by Elizabeth Lidov while reclining in our zero-gravity chairs. Participants will (optionally) receive ear acupuncture needles to help calm the nervous system, followed by an immersive and deeply relaxing experience of listening to the vibrations of crystal alchemy singing bowls.

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The Art of Relaxation, Winter Workshop

The Art of Relaxation, Winter Workshop

The Art of Relaxation is a gentle practice that explores different techniques to quiet the mind, and settle the body. This class will share somatic (embodiment) practices, breath work, self massage & restorative yoga as tools for tapping into a greater sense of ease.

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Taiji - 12 Week Beginner Series

Taiji - 12 Week Beginner Series

Our Taiji system works first to build a good connection into the body while calming and refining outer emotions. Gradually, sincere students are led on a genuine path for inner growth and development. 

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The Art of Medical Qi Gong Winter 8-Week Series

The Art of Medical Qi Gong Winter 8-Week Series

Learn how to generate and sustain the warmth your body needs at this time of year! The winter particularly affects the kidneys causing low back pain, poor memory, the emotion fear, and sluggish Qi.  In this series we will strengthen, cleanse, and increase qi circulation in the kidneys, while improving overall immune function in the body. Zap away those winter blues and build your kidney Qi! Class will end with a crystal bowl sound meditation to elevate your practice and consciousness to another level.

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Sound Bath + Ear Acupuncture

Sound Bath + Ear Acupuncture

Enjoy a meditative sound bath led by Elizabeth Lidov while reclining in our zero-gravity chairs. Participants will (optionally) receive ear acupuncture needles to help calm the nervous system, followed by an immersive and deeply relaxing experience of listening to the vibrations of crystal alchemy singing bowls.

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La Leche League Breastfeeding Support

La Leche League Breastfeeding Support

Join accredited LLL Chicago Leaders and enjoy building community and getting/giving support in the company of other local parents on all things breastfeeding, pumping, and lactation-related! We'll discuss recent wins and challenges, and offer suggestions and support to troubleshoot the ups and downs of breastfeeding and pumping. Nursing parents, their children, and support people are welcome.

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 WONDER•ING: INTO THE DARK (one-day wellness retreat)

WONDER•ING: INTO THE DARK (one-day wellness retreat)

Through meditation, tarot, and reflective writing, we will explore what this emergent season has to offer each us and how we can be ready to embrace and harness what it has to offer. As we move toward winter, we are invited to turn inward. To locate what centers us and what we can center upon, what it is we can only see in the dark.

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La Leche League Breastfeeding Support

La Leche League Breastfeeding Support

Join accredited LLL Chicago Leaders and enjoy building community and getting/giving support in the company of other local parents on all things breastfeeding, pumping, and lactation-related! We'll discuss recent wins and challenges, and offer suggestions and support to troubleshoot the ups and downs of breastfeeding and pumping. Nursing parents, their children, and support people are welcome.

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Sound Bath + Ear Acupuncture

Sound Bath + Ear Acupuncture

Enjoy a meditative sound bath led by Elizabeth Lidov while reclining in our zero-gravity chairs. Participants will (optionally) receive ear acupuncture needles to help calm the nervous system, followed by an immersive and deeply relaxing experience of listening to the vibrations of crystal alchemy singing bowls.

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