Community Acupuncture Program Changes at Five Point
We remain committed to providing accessible community acupuncture services and have been evaluating our current Five Point Community Acupuncture Program. As an acupuncture team, we have decided to keep our Community Acupuncture Program service largely the same, but in order to sustain this program, we are moving away from a full sliding scale payment model in the community room. As such, beginning in January 2025, community acupuncture and herbal consults will move to one price that is our current Standard (Tier 2) price of $55 per treatment.
Community Acupuncture Discount Service & Opportunities to Participate
To balance this change to our Community Acupuncture Program, we will offer six two-hour shifts per month where we will offer a Community Acupuncture Discount service for the price of $45 per treatment. Discount community acupuncture includes 15 minutes for discussion, diagnosis, and needle insertion with a rest time of 30 minutes. Total appointment encompasses 45 minutes. This option is not suitable for first time patients.
For January - March 2025, we are piloting the discount shifts during the following days/times (bookable online):
Every other Monday:
5:00 - 7:00 PM with Ryan Palma (2nd Monday of the month starting January 13th)
1:00 - 3:00 PM with Derek Becker (weekly starting January 8th)
Package Opportunity
We are currently running a package promotion through the end of the year with Community Acupuncture 5 packs ($47 per treatment) and 10 packs ($44 per treatment). To smooth the transition to our new model, this is another opportunity to keep your treatments at lower rates. Packages are good for 5 years. Purchase in-person, email, or call: 773-466-9882 to purchase
Private Acupuncture Insurance Coverage Considerations
If you are currently covered by BCBS PPO, United, or Aetna, you may have acupuncture coverage. As a reminder, all Chicago City employees that opted for BCBS PPO have acupuncture coverage. As insurance coverage continues to increase as a covered benefit by employers, please do not hesitate to submit your insurance information for a benefits check. Information on our benefits process can be found here: