Pop-Up Meditation Class with Nathan

Meditation Doodle - Five Point Holistic Health

Saturday, June 1, 4:30pm - 5:30pm @ Tula Yoga Studio

Meditation is a tool that works to gradually refine a person from the inside out, and it is a very good counterbalance to a physical practice. The real aim of meditation is establishing some connection back to the highest part of yourself, while simultaneously creating a separation from our outer manifestations and the ego's perception of self.

This class will start a short movement sequence to wake up and center the body’s energy. There will be a brief talk about how and why the meditation works. Nathan will then lead a guided meditation practice with time for questions at the end.

Nathan has 7 years of study and practice with this form of meditation under the guidance of a good teacher. He has benefited greatly from meditation practice, and is happy to share from his experience.


Craniosacral Therapy: Moderate Pressure, Meaningful Change.


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