Intro to Mindfulness and Meditation Class

Five Point Holistic Health will be offering another 6-week Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation course starting Monday, May 1st from 7-8pm. This course, lead by Kim Vachon LCPC, will introduce basic practices of mindfulness and meditation and examine how to incorporate these practices into your every day life. Basic tenets of mindfulness and meditation include sitting in stillness with your breath, practicing gratitude, bringing your awareness to the present moment and much more. Benefits of these practices range from feeling at peace and content with the state of your life, to improving concentration skills to sleeping more soundly at night.

Participation is limited, so we encourage you to reserve a spot online. The series is intended to be taken in full and costs $90 for the six weeks. Please reach out to Kim Vachon at  with any further questions. We look forward to your participation.

Mind Full or Mindful? Cartoon - Five Point Holistic Health

Good bye Windy City; Hello Blue Ridge Mountains!


International Women’s Day